Deep Freezers

Stainless Steel Appliances

Did you know that new freezers use 69% less electricity than those from 15 years ago?

If your freezer is older than 10 years, you may need to upgrade to a new one.

Even new freezers vary greatly in their power needs. Energy efficient freezers can use 80% less electricity than the generic new freezer on the market. And some generic new freezers use the same amount of electricity as an energy efficient freezer from 15 years ago!

Chest freezers (horizontal) ones are significantly more efficient than vertical ones, mainly because they best utilize the physics of cold air. If you remember, hot air rises and cold air falls. When you open a chest freezer, very little of the cold air is released. On the other hand, in a vertical freezer, when the door is opened, a large amount of cold air falls out, and the freezer needs to use a lot of electricity to bring the freezer back to its running temperature.

Compare all the freezer brands in the Pakistani market by energy efficiency and power consumption in the table below. Only those freezers are shown that had some electricity consumption information available. The table is sorted by annual energy consumption. The electricity rate used is Rs. 13.71 + tax, the rate paid by middle class customers.

Brand Net Capacity Model Series Market Price Power Current Daily Electricity Consumption Annual Electricity Consumption Annual Electricity Bill
Litres Rupees W A kwh kwh
Haier 295 HDF-325H Chest Freezer 34,000 2 803 13,073
Haier 365 HDF-385H Chest Freezer 34,500 200 3 913 14,856
Haier 295 HDF-325HR Chest Freezer 32,200 2 803 13,073
Haier 365 HDF-385HR Chest Freezer 34,700 3 913 14,856
Haier 295 HDF-325HB Chest Freezer 32,200 2 803 13,073
Haier 365 HDF-385HB Chest Freezer 3 913 14,856
Haier 219 HDF-245SD Chest Freezer 28,000 1 365 5,942
Haier 259 HDF-285SD Chest Freezer 29,700 1 365 5,942
Haier 319 HDF-345SD Chest Freezer 31,550 1 365 5,942
Haier 379 HDF-405SD Chest Freezer 34,250 1 365 5,942
PEL 275 PDF 100   30,500 148 1.19 4 1,296 21,108
PEL 370 PDF 130   32,500 178 1.30 4 1,559 25,386
PEL 370 PDF 135   35,150 148 1.19 4 1,296 21,108
PEL 410 PDF 150   35,950 178 1.30 4 1,559 25,386